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Mai Xis Lor 


Mai became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Junior at Akron Early College. She plans to learn to improve her leadership presence so she can be a better-impacting leader. She also wants to learn how to get better at improvising  when it comes to impromptu speeches or interviewing.


Mai likes to dance, sing, draw, and play tennis during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being Hmong, is beyond just a culture; it is the unique part of me. It is the legends and traditions that have passed down from generations to generations. It is meaning behind the songs, celebrations, and the clothing that we wear. It's the stories and explanations as to why I am currently here in the United States today, and finally it's one of my inspirations to do my best."

Suzanna Paj Tshiab Vang

Vice President 

Suzanna became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Sophomore at Akron Early College. She plans to learn Leadership skills.


Suzanna likes to dance traditional Hmong dances during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being unique from everyone else, culture, family, language.”

Julia Maiv Laim Xiong


Julia became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Junior at Firestone Community Learning Center. She plans to learn more about what we are doing, about herself, and about other Hmong people around her. She also wants to increase her social and leadership skills.


Julia likes to listen to music during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being Hmong lets me stand out from others and be unique with an amazing history. Being Hmong connects me to an amazing history, beautiful clothes, and a wonderful culture that is unique, which makes me proud and special."

Desmond Choj Vang


Desmond became a HOOT ambassador when he was Junior at Akron Early College. He plans to learn anything that will help him improve himself, and become a better person.


Desmond likes to fish and work out during his free time. He also likes to take care of fishes himself, and has fishes of his own.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being me.”

Safiah Kab Ntsa Vang


Safiah became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Sophomore at East CLC. She plans to learn public speaking skills to get better at being in front of a crowd and not be nervous. She also wants to be more outgoing, and become better at improvising at last minute things.


Safiah likes to sing, listen to music, and dance during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“To me it means being different and being unique in a cultural way and having a different mindset. It also means having a different story, being able to wear the beautiful clothes, and eating the delicious foods being made.”

Nellian Nkauj Sheng Vue

Volunteer Coordinator

Nellian became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Sophomore at Ellet High School. She plans to learn how to be more confident.


Nellian likes to play sports, read, and dance during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being different from other cultures and ethnicity.”

Peter Ywj Pheej Vue

Graphic Designer

Peter became a HOOT ambassador when he was a Junior at Kenmore Garfield. He plans to learn to eventually teach the younger Hooties about keeping a good relationship with the older Hooties, and for them to appreciate who they are.


 Peter loves to play games, have nice talks, and hangout during his free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?  

Being Hmong to me is like I’m a treasure. I’m so rare to be found and once people find out I’m Hmong, they’re very interested what Hmong is, being Hmong is being something special, you’re a treasure, you have amazing loot that is waiting inside you and is ready to be shown to the world."

Shirlene Memo Vue

Co-Chair Culture Pillar

Shirlene became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Sophomore at Kenmore High. She plans to learn leadership skills.


Shirlene likes to sing and dance during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Proud because we made it through the Vietnam war and was able to come to the U.S.”

Tyler Koob Vue

Co-Chair Culture Pillar

Tyler became a HOOT ambassador when he was a Junior at Akron Early College. He plans to learn public speaking skills.


Tyler likes to play tennis and play video games during his free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?  

“Being different from the rest of the crowd.”

Brandon Chimeng Vang

Co-Chair Education Pillar

Brandon became a HOOT ambassador when he was a Sophomore at Kenmore High. He plans to learn how to sign up for an internship.


Brandon likes to read and play games during his free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being Hmong is great but to me it’s no different to any other ethnicity.”

Claudia Nkauj Hnub Vue 

Co-Chair Family Pillar

Claudia became a HOOT ambassador when she was a Junior at Ellet High School. She plans to learn how to drive and manage her time better.


Claudia likes to dance, sing, draw, and write poetry during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being different and being unique from other races.”

 Josslyn Hnub Ci Xiong  

Co-chair Family Pillar 

Josslyn became a HOOT ambassador when she was a sophomore at Akron Early College High School. She plans to learn to be more confident when needed, and hopes it will show people that she is becoming more responsible at handling things.


 Josslyn likes to read, listen to music, and play volleyball during her free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“Being Hmong to me makes me proud of who I am. Hmong has played a major contribution to shaping who I am now."

Kengee Sawymnyiaj Vang

Co-Chair Health Pillar

Kengee became a HOOT ambassador when he was a Sophomore at Akron Early College. He plans to learn leadership skills, and overall better communication skills.


Kengee likes to play Basketball during his free time.


What does being Hmong mean to you?

“What being Hmong means to me is that me and my background is unique from others.”

Willaim Nuyen Vue

Co-Chair Heath Pillar

William became a HOOT ambassador when he was a Sophomore at Tallmadge High School. He plans to learn leadership skills, and more about his background.


William likes to dance during his free time. 


What does being Hmong mean to you?  

"Being different from others."

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